carnet de bagnoles vol.2


hard cover, 104 pages, 215x163mm
published by glénat in 2016.

for a dedicate copy, please send me an e-mail with the name.

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« Carnet de Bagnoles vol.2»

As you know, a good sketchbook must contain 2 things: some old rusty cars and dinosaurs (and eventually a spaceship).
This second “Carnet de Bagnoles” is a collection of my last found: from dying Peugeot 404 in Nouakchott to the Dino Ferrari prototype exhibited at the Rétromobile fair in Paris, I invite you to travel in time and place to rediscover this “chef d’oeuvres” of design.

If you have a closer look, you will found my self-portrait in the reflection. Let’s play, where is lapin?